Written by Euripides
Directed by Prin Duignan
Tara Breathnach
Medea by Euripides is the most frequently staged ancient Greek classic. It was immensely popular with the suffragettes of the late 19th century who regularly quoted extracts from it at their meetings and more recently it has enjoyed renewed popularity with the emergence of the feminist movement. This Splódar professional production is the first in an Irish language translation and it features Tara Breathnach, one of the country’s foremost actors, in the title role. Tá clú agus cáil ar an dráma Medea ó léiríodh é don chéad uair 2,450 bliain ó shoin. Bhí sé go mór i mbéal an phobail le linn do Ghluaiseacht Chearta Vótála na mBan a bheith faoi lán tseoil agus céad bliain ar aghaidh chuir an Ghluaiseacht Fheimineach an-suim sna smaointe faoi shaol na mban a nochtaítear ann. Is í an aisteoir mór le rá Tara Breathnach (Anne Boleyn sa scannán faisnéise leis an BBC, The Last Days of Anne Boleyn (BBC): The Tudors: agus A Nightingale Falling) atá i bpáirt Mhedea agus is gné thábhachtach den léiriú seo an damhsa claisiceach atá fite fuaite sa stáitsiú.