Splódar is the resident drama company in the Glens Centre, Manorhamilton, Co. Leitrim. The company was established when the centre opened in 1995. Our principal objective is the production of high quailty drama in Irish and English. Under the name ‘The Glens Players’ (Aisteoirí na nGleannta) plays by writers such as Brian Friel, Frank McGuinness, Tom Murphy, Thornton Wilder, Jean Anouilh, John B Keane, Vincent Woods, Cathal O Searcaigh and Garrison Keillor have been staged by the company. The company was given the name Splódar in 2007 to emphasise the Irish policy of the group. Irish language productions to date include Damhsa ag Lughnasa, Sadhbh, Antigone, Salome, Stiofan Og,Ulysses, Ag Clai na Muice Duibhe and Leannáin (Buaiteoirí) as well as a re-working of Glantacháin Earraigh by Máirtín Ó Cadhain.

Is é Splódar an compántas drámaíochta cónaithe in Ionad na nGleannta, Cluainín Uí Ruairc, Co. Liatroma. Cuireadh ar bun é nuair a hosclaíodh an t-ionad i 1995 . ‘Sé a phríomhchuspóir ná drámaí Ghaeilge agus Béarla d’ardchaighdeán a léiriú. Faoin ainm Aisteoirí na nGleannta (The Glens Players) léiríodh drámaí le Brian Friel, Frank McGuinness, Tom Murphy, Thornton Wilder, Vincent Woods agus Garrison Keillor. Tugadh an t-ainm Splódar ar an gcompántas i 2007 le béim a chur ar pholasaí an ionaid i leith na . Cheana féin cuireadh Damhsa ag Lughnasa, Sadhbh, Salome, Antigone, Leannáin (Buaiteoirí), Stiofán Óg, Creideamh agus Crá Croí agus Ag Claí na Muice Duibhe ar stáitse chomh maith le hathchóiriú ar an ngearrscéal Glantachán Earraigh le Máirtín Ó Cadhain.

Current Production: The Last Prime Minister of Ireland

The Last Prime Minister of Ireland

Written by Gerry Farrell and directed by Prin Duignan. Cast Gerry Farrell,Rebecca Farrell,Barry Deignan,Michael Roper,Sheila O’Keeffe Tension and comedy coalesce in equal measure in this gripping historical psychological drama. A true story of conflict, love, betrayal and redemption emerge when Lloyd George is confronted by his daughter on the morning of his wife’s funeral in January 1941 about his past political and personal…
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